
Monday, August 25, 2014

House Construction : Make your Dream the best and a perfect one.

"Our Home". Our own house.. For many this is a dream. Was for me though :). This isn’t as easy as talked. We had to consider a lot of stuffs, must have patience, consult people, take permissions and most important, must consider financials.

In this blog article I am going to share my experience of constructing a house, which I finished in March, 2014. It took a year for the construction, which is nothing less than an adventurous trip. Definitely as I searched internet and consulted people for their experiences, someone would find my experience useful.

To begin with, I’ll start with the basic points to consider and all these in a chronological manner.

To start with or so called initiation itself need a lot of ground work. Before starting the actual construction, there are many things to be taken care.

1.       Budget/Financials

Why budget or finance came to the top of list is, because it drives almost all the below factors. Based on your budget you may change plan, and in case you want to stick to your plan, then you have to find sources to fund your plan. Definitely once the thought of construction strike your mind, you would have contacted some person who has got some idea about same. If not, then do it. Get a rough estimate.

Scenarios: First consider various sources of income where and how could you gather money for your construction. If you have all the amount to fulfill as per your rough estimate + 30% of your budget (might require by the end of construction), then you are good to go, else à

n  Consider loan from banks : If your construction site is a Govt approved one, like B.D.A or one with A Khaatha (considering Bangalore), then any bank would be happy to avail loan. However if your site is having B Khaatha or is a revenue site then you might have to take loan at a higher rate from private or co-operative banks. I needn’t mention the housing loan details etc, as there are already many sites doing same. For A Khaatha bank provides 80% loan on your budget, whereas others offer only 70% and obviously rest has to bear by owner.

n  Other sources: You can get loan from other places but at a higher interest rate (14%) compared to nationalised banks (10.25 – 12%). Gold loan from various brokers with different repayment schemes, but still at a higher rate of interest (20-23%). (Interest rates are per annum basis)

What I suggest : Unlike marriage or some other functions, one won’t need all the money before hand to start. At each stage of construction step-by-step you can plan for different sources.

If you consider bank loan, then bank provides loan stage wise. To start with, you have to finish off basement, and later on, bank releases amount at Ground floor Moulding, Initial Electrical, Plumbing, Plastering, Carpenter, Flooring and Paint works.

So plan all sources of income, consider any other person working in your family, consider any savings such as PF, Fixed deposits etc. Always have some option ready in worst case situation, so that the construction at any stage shouldn’t halt or get delayed.

Everyday construction rate increases. So the best time to start construction is today. Because by the time the construction is end you yourself will know that it was best in your decisions to start construction a year or a few months earlier.

My case : The cement rate which was Rs. 300 per bag at the beginning, was Rs.340 after 1 year(duration of construction). Also, Iron, wood etc everything had a major impact.

I had bought loan from a nationalized bank at an interest rate of 10.25% per annum. As ours was a site with A Khaatha, so we got 80% loan on our budget. We also pledged gold ornaments for a small amount of loan at one of the well known broker at 1.75% interest per month.

Learnings : Do a lot of ground work about the bank before availing loan. Few banks aren’t too much strict while releasing amount stage wise and also consider your statement to release amount, whereas few ask bill for every material you buy(which usually shops give a second thought to provide as they have to pay tax for billed transactions). So better consult a few people regarding the bank’s repayment rather than asking bank officials.

When pledging gold loan the interest rate is per month, which considering my scenario, I paid 1.75% per month which is in turn 23% per annum, which is way above 14% per annum for gold loan at nationalized bank and it is safe too.

2.       Construction Plan, Duration and Management

3.       Contractor and type of contract

4.       Permissions on Legals from Civic and Govt authorities

5.       Materials

6.       House warming J