
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

InNoVaTiOn- ePrint from HP

"Print" from your 'Mobile Phone'!!!!.
      Hewlett Packard, the world's No.1 printer maker, announced its new innovative technology in PRINTING SECTOR - "ePRINT". 
The company is rolling out technology that will give all of its new $99-and-up printers Internet capabilities.
They will each have their own e-mail address, to which smartphone users can send photos and any other files they want to print, and that too without any additional drivers. The printers will also be able to connect to an HP website, from which users can tell their printers to do specific things at certain times, such as printing out copies of the day's top news stories every morning. etc... 
        Now it'll be easier to print from any Internet-connected device, including smartphones and "netbooks" (small laptops) and tablet computers. 
 Few related pics:-

printing using Black Berry


Monday, June 7, 2010

Star TV - One more Hit by Samsung after Corby series

     It’s a brand new era of latest technologies. Every other day, we are being informed of new launches. Whether it’s TVs, DVD players, mobile phones or other technologies, things are getting better and better for us. There are many leading players in the market. Giants like Sony, Nokia, Motorola, LG, Samsung etc are leading the way. Recently, Samsung Corby was the talking point in the mobile market. It sold like hot cakes.

      Adding to its other products, Samsung has recently launched Star TV. The launching pattern has been more or less on the same lines of that of its successor. One of the best selling touch screen phone in the first half-quarter of 2010, Star TV is definitely making waves. This is an addition to Samsung Star series and this time, the most wonderful feature is its TV viewing feature. The mobile has Analog mobile TV receiver which enables mobile owner to enjoy free-to-air transmitted channels. The TV receiver has Telegent system ( and because of that the mobile set can boast of rich graphical controls. The user can record, use the facility of one click capture and also switch channels with a screen flick.