
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Initiation : To Take or Not to Take

Recently due to some instances and experience a thought struck into my mind "Is it a good thing to take Initiation?".

Taking any initiative isn't a small or simple thing. It can be a small get-together of your old school or college mates or organizing some events with/for your closed ones(can be at workplace too). Initiating something don't require any so called Degree, Qualification or Certification. Its just the moment where something strikes you and you say, "Yeah!! This is a good idea, why can't I start this."

But on the contrary once you start working on that, then only you get to know the pain, dedication, time, planning etc, needed.

I myself have come across many situation where :

1. I took the initiative, but wasn't successful, due to the complexity, or poor planning, or may be due to the much involvement of the people required.
2. Many a times #1 led to discouragement.
3. Sometimes, in fact majority times "Money Matters!!!".

Its not like I never succeeded in any of my Initiatives. Many a times I have got accolades because of the same, and experience how to do better next time.

But the main reason for writing this post is to give my views to tackle the above problems to take Initiative:

1. Whenever you take any Initiative, make sure to track some of the previous developments on that field.
2. Think over, is it really necessary to take this Initiative and what will be the Impact after this.
3. "Who", "How much/many" and "In what way", people will be affected becasue of your Initiative.
4. Whether you really want this to be recognized. If yes, then why?. If No, then why Not???
5. Will it be safe or Okay if this could lead to a larger audience?
6. And most important "Consequences". Imagine the difference that your Initation did.

Following are some of the points that leads or results in someone to take Initiative :
1. Something wrong is happening in front of you, and you seriously wanna change it.
2. You see something can be done in a better way.
3. @ personal front : You just wanna do something for your satisfaction.

I feel before taking any Initiative, analyse the after affects, and what if you fail?.
I failed sometimes and also didn't get much soughted recognization as per my expectation, which discouraged me. Here latter discouraged more, as in this case, we would have succeeded in what we did, but still weren't awarded or our efforts got unnoticed.

If you think of mistakes before taking Inititative , then consider Einstein's words "Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new."

Its upto individual whether to take Initiative or not, but whenever you feel that there's a need and you have the potential, go ahead and "Just Do It!!"...


Courtesy : Image used from